I am a meteorologist and a former youth leader at church…I have a lot to say on both subjects…and then some
This is my first try at a blog. I’ve wanted to try one since I found my brother-in-law’s, a couple of years ago. So this is my first try. I’d like to keep posting consistantly. I have a tendency to try things for a while and then drop them. I don’t want to do that here. This will probably parallel my personal journal to a certain extent, although more than likely this will be an heavily edited version. Not to mention as in the title of this blog, I will probably talk about youth ministry and I’ll probably leave out the names and situations that one can run into with teens, so as to not betray their trust. Kids need love from caring adults as they are trying to become adults. This I have learned over the past 4 years of teaching Sunday school and working with both youth groups (junior and senior high) for the last 3 years.
Of course, the other half of this blog is dedicated to meteorology, which I have been doing since I took a chalk markable weather map home in the second grade. here I am 30 years later and I’m still drawing weather maps and presenting forecasts. It’s just that now I get paid for it.
There are always related subjects that will appear in here as well. Church related items. Ham radio related items. Just about anything.
So how’s that for my first try?