Some changes to the blog…


Ok, now that I have gotten the new blog going, I need to tell everyone here to go there. I already transported my Feedburner feed over to the new site, but I never did a formal announcement. I see Loudtwitter is working again, so I may keep this old site for posting all of my twitter posts through the day. They will have the links to the new site for any new posts that I write. A couple of reasons I went to a new site with WordPress:

  1. Loudtwitter failed, although I’m not going to be posting my tweets to the other blog, I was initially, but didn’t want the constant clutter. I do have a status box that show my Pings from
  2. Yahoo is closing Geocities. I had my first website there. So WordPress allowed me to have pages that aren’t on the blog. So I heavily edited the content down and put some old stuff up.

So the new site is at Ministry & Meteorology? I couldn’t get someone else already had that for  some business. All of the links that come from the new site on twitter will go there, so if you click on a link from a post that is on my daily wrapup here then you will go to the new site. If you were on the feed, then you already are on the new site. One new feature that I like is Featured Content. If I post something I can keep it on the front page for a while. I have some boxes for some of the categories that I really like to write about and I do have a box for the actual feed so that you can click on my most recent posts, even if they aren’t featured or in my opinion or ministry categories. I like the control over the layout that I have.

Last but not least, I have to thank my wife for all that she has done. She has undertaken creating a business setting up WordPress sites and has taught me how to mess with my site.

Cross posted to the old site.

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