Why I am leaning Republican this election

I guess I would be as some would say cener right in my beliefs. I have a hard time reading blogs that go too much right or left. I liked McCain before it was stylish because when I have looked at various sites on voting records, he has come down in the middle. Do I agree with him 100%? No, but after listening to Obama’s talk at the Saddleback forum, I haven’t fully been persuaded to go Dem this time. I say this time, because I have voted Dem in prez election more than once. However, at this point in the campaign I was dismayed to see that when a pick of the VP enrages the left side of the aisle so much that they must attack family, before they have even spoken.  So when I read Victor Davis Hanson’s commentary I had to share what I think is the most telling reason for the attacks.

Enraged feminists are apparently the gatekeepers for less well-educated American women, who are supposed to have 0-1.5 children not 5! Their husbands must be professors, lawyers, CEOs, editors—not snowmobile champions, union members, oil workers, and fishermen—or, worse, all in one! And unlike a Pelosi, Quinn, or Clinton, Palin, God forbid, did not rely on a powerful, wealthy husband or father to energize her career. Worse still, she took no women’s studies class, never attended the Ivy League, and shoots moose.

Works and Days » Target Palin

(emphasis mine. As Steve Green as Vodkapundit (or was it James Lileks?) said in an interview, they had me at she hunts, the fact that it was moose was the cherry on top.)

I never thought much of Hillary Clinton, until she decided to push stuff as first lady, and I never had any ill will toward Chelsea Clinton. She has been kept out of the limelight by her parents, and didn’t get too much attention, even when campaigning for her mother. So now the Rep. nominate a woman and the coverage to me has sickened me and has caused me to look at the hypocrisy of the left. I want to here about the issues. If there is scandal, like Troopergate, Tony Rezko, Biden’s son, or McCain’s whatever, I’m good with that. However, the family leaves me to continue down the path away from traditional media and the Democratic party.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Accountability Questions for Guys

Recently I have been led to mentor/be an accountability partner to a couple of guys in the group. I’m going to this site to see what they say.

HT: morethandodgeball.com

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Youth Worker Appreciation Day

I like this classic series of videos that YS is using to promote Youth Worker Appreciation Day this Saturday.

What a great idea! What are you doing to love on your youth worker this week?

I didn’t realize that YS was doing a Youth Worker Appreciation Day.  It’s kind of interesting that our Adult leader retreat is this weekend. Mary and I leave for Indian River tonight.

Hattip: Morethandodgeball.com

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Testing Flock writer

Hi all! I started using the Flock Browser a couple of months ago. The Flock browser helps to organize the social web sites and allows you to look at and edit things directly. It even has a blog editor. I haven’t used it until now. One thing with my computer,  I track things for work in one account. I have a personal account in which I have this blog, and I have another account where I do a weather blog. It works well to have 3 browsers, so that I don’t have to log out of any of my accounts.

So this is kind of new with this.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

God and Pain

God allows pain to help teach a lesson just like when you let a child ride a bike knowing that the child will probably fall and get hurt. However, this helps the child learn to ride the bike. They have similar thing in Alcoholics Anonymous, it's called practicing detachment. What they teach the families is that when a loved one is spiralling down, you can only do so much and then them let go and let them hit bottom.

Pastor James taught on something similar recently. He was talking about being stubborn and that if you refuse to take Godly advise, then you run the risk of the person or persons that speak into your life to let you go and not speak anymore.

These things are similar, in that, God lets you go until you hit bottom and look up to him. God is trying to bring us back to where we were before the fall. Jesus is the reset button.

What I believe

I'm an evangelical that the conservative evangelicals have to watch because I make them nervous.

I'm a conservative Methodist, yet liberal with helping and healing.

I'm comfortable singing hymns and modern praise and worship.

I try to be orthodox in my beliefs, and orthoprax in what I do.

I believe the Bible and science; I don't think the two contradict.

Kid Rock at the Mountain

Kid Rock at the Mountain
Originally uploaded by Jery McNutz.

Kid Rock is at Boyne Mountain tonight. The traffic is getting crazy busy. I walked down to US-131 and the southbound lane is completely full. It looks like it extends to the north side of the village.

Kid Rock at the Mountain

Kid Rock at the Mountain
Originally uploaded by Jery McNutz.

Kid Rock is at Boyne Mountain tonight. The traffic is getting crazy busy. I walked down to US-131 and the southbound lane is completely full. It looks like it extends to the north side of the village.

Death of the Camera

Well, it was bound to happen. I bought the camera in 2000. Now, while it looks in tact, one little piece of metal or plastic or such has come detached inside the lens compartment. It doesn’t look like it was dropped, although, it probably has been during its lifetime. So now, all we have are our phones. I have been wanting to get a new video camera, that uses memory cards. I’ll have to look to see if they can do reasonable double duty. Otherwise, we will be looking to replace it. I haven’t done much comparison yet. I do like Olympus, Canon, Nikon, and Kodak cameras, but I’ll look at something else if it can put up with the wear. Someday, I would like to get a serious hobbyist camera, like my sister’s someday, but that is a little pricey for now.

My second Favorite country has a winner!