Chosen Gaylord 2010 Day 2

We got the Hawk Nelson gear partially done Early this morning. The acoustical worship/quiet time with Ross and Matt was great. Now, the Chosen band is on stage.

Altar Call Chosen 2010 Gaylord

This is the first night's altar call.

Chosen Gaylord is a Go!

The band is on!

Chosen Gaylord 2010!

Here we go Video on! Band in place! I can feel the Spirit in this place!

11/8/2010 Crown Financial Devo

Mary and I took the Crown Financial Course just after we were married. However, we didn’t learn and really internalize things until a couple of years later. I have, over the years, listened to their podcast and read there daily bible blurb. God has been teaching us thing through our financial hardships, I believe to teach us this very thing. We caused our financial struggles, but He has used it for a teachable moment:

The accumulation of money is a major deterrent to a humble spirit. The tendency is to desire to be served rather than to serve.

“It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave;”

(Matthew 20:26-27 NASB).

Crown Financial Ministries Daily Devotional

11/8/2010 – Day 312


So I have been learning to have a humble spirit in everything, and trying to serve to the best of my abilities. 

Chosen Detroit is a wrap!

I have to say that the Spirit was and is moving tonight. Things were slow to start, but James's talk and Drew's talk were real winners. James talked about taking a stand with your faith and Drew talked about letting God heal you and taking a stand in your relatioships.

Next up is the home base of Gaylord at the E-Free Church next weekend!

We have about 200 miles to get home.

Chosen Comes to Detroit!

Chosen: Stand is in Detroit come join us!

Chosen Detroit

On our way to the Detroit area for our one day Chosen event.

Some thoughts from some conversations

Just to get this out of the way, this Posterus thing is good. I’ loving it. The only thing is that when it type on my phone it is a little constraining.

Okay, this last Wednesday, at youth group we had some good questions about why we won’t to do what we shouldn’t.  Two things came to my mind as Mary and I were working on print labels and such, one was what it says in Genesis. The devil tempts Eve with the thought of you will know what God knows. (i.e. you can be God).  Paul laments about this in one of his letters, saying I do what I don’t want to and I don’t do what I want to do.  This is the human condition.

If you don’t believe in God, that’s okay, but you have to agree that some things that are considered illegal are fun to take part in. The atheist would say that it is our animal past. I would say that is from our animal side, and that our spitiual side struggles against it.

The other thing that was talked about was that we feel bad or defeated when we give into that sin. Like we aren’t good enough. However, we are good enough. God loves us unconditionally. He will never leave or forsake you. I use the example of one of my kids. If they were to do something that they know we wouldn’t approve of, and then if it were discovered or not, they, I hope, would know that they would never lose our love. Never. Like Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, “…I don’t accuse you either. Go and sin no more.”

So my point is that we do things that separate us from God, and each other because we think we are God, and know better than He does. When we are caught, either in the act or by the accumulation of the consequences of that separation, then come back to God, He still loves you.

Some good advice

I saw on one of my social media/internet blogs GigaOm that the founder of Pandora was interviewed about how they have done as well as they have since there start up. There are a couple of videos of the interview.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Set-up your life professionally, personally and physically for a long time. You have to make it sustainable and not drive into a wall.
  2. Don’t be self conscious about being an entrepreneur.
  3. Entrepreneurs in their core team need a sales person. Someone who can tell the story and inspire people and get pulses racing because of your idea.

I don’t know if Mr. Westergren is a Christian, and it doesn’t really matter. What I thought was interesting is that the lessons learned are true, and may be biblical. #2 certainly is with the thought that Matthew 6:25 is the verse that is brought to mind. I’m pretty sure that if you search, you’ll find the other too as well.

I’ll update the post when I get a chance to search for the others.