Being Who God Created Me To Be

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Being Who God Created Me To Be

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Being Who God Created Me To Be

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My Intelligences

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My personality

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My only thing with this graphic was that the last time I took one of these online tests, I was almost 50/50 on the extraverted/introverted part.

I didn’t realize I wrote like this

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New Cool stuff

As most of you know, I’m a computer geek always looking for new things that can help me do more, with less. In this case, I’m always looking for new ways to add new podcasts (to me most radio is worthless, and not just in northern Michigan) and manage my content. I’ve been a subscriber to Podshow, and they have been making changes that make it easier to create and manipulate your channel feeds.

Recently, I have been making a channel of episodes, of cool things that I have listened to recently. Right now, it has a couple of Mars Hill episodes, a couple Imago Dei episodes, and a Lifespring episode. I’m hoping to put some more new stuff over the coming weeks. The neat thing about the channels that you create is that you can play them right from the website, through Windows Media, Real player, your mp3 player, or subscribe through an RSS reader to the RSS feed that is available.

So check out my collection of podcasts in the channels. You might find some stuff you like.

Blogger’s test bed site has podcast and video things

I’m pretty psyched. Blogger has added enclosures and video to their Draft Blogger. This is kind of their test bed or beta test or something. I tested placing video on a post here. I’ll probably still put stuff on YouTube, but I’ll probably put some of the stuff here with pointers there. We’ll see where it goes. However, the thing that I am really excited about is the ability to put links to enclosures so that people can subscribe via RSS and listen to a podcast. I already have a Podshow account where I can upload the shows. I also have a Feedburner account for Mary’s and my various blogs that can be used for a universal RSS feed. So, another piece of the puzzle comes into place. I’m just short a decent microphone and a computer that will allow me to record well. The current computer is beginning to show its age (it is Jan., 2001). In computer age this is getting a little old and it is beginning to slow down due to memory and it is maxed out.

Also in other news, a friend of ours who needed a place to live will begin to rent the old house from us. This will help out immensely. He moves in this weekend. So hopefully, the financial problems of the last month or two will be easing a bit.

My Sundays when I work

Being a meteorologist that has to work on rotating shifts, there are a few weekends when it is my time to work. Some people would ask how I do church. For one thing, I have found that my first day off from work is my sabbath. I tend to not do a whole lot on that day. Next, while I miss our church worship on Sunday, I listen to the podcasts of two other churches, Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, MI and Imago Dei in Portland, OR.

This last Sunday was interesting as I find myself evaluating how am I being part of the priesthood of all believers, fulfilling Isaiah 61, Acts 2:42-47, and wondering what more can I do. The reason that it was so interesting, was due to the fact that Mars Hill and Imago Dei had almost the same teaching with the difference being their geographical areas and the Lifespring podcast the hosts wife shared how they are trying to share God’s peace with kids who don’t have any peace. Coming from a Methodist, who tries to knows a little bit of the life of John Wesley, I find myself wanting to emulate Christ better.

My mornings

It’s been a while, but things have been moving along with a new dog and family things.

My mornings, as of late, have been set into a routine that helps me for the rest of the day. I get up and shower(that really helps me wake up), get dressed, then take the dog for a 15 minute walk (this has been really good, because I wouldn’t get up early to work out like I wanted to), then I spend the rest of pre-drive time fixing something for breakfast, finishing the download of my daily podcasts and reading the news from overnight.

Once it hits 700 am, I am out the door and I begin my “quiet time.” My drive is 35 minutes to the NWS office, if I drive direct, so I use the time listening to: 1. The Lifespring Family Bible podcast, 2. Pray-as-You-Go podcast, 3. NBC Nightly News (audio), 4. The Daily Breakfast podcast.

The Lifespring Family Bible podcast is a read through the Bible in a year podcast. Steve Webb, the host, has been skipping around some with the Book of John being first then Genesis, Matthew, and now in Exodus. I usually hear this one between Boyne Falls and Elmira.

Elmira to Hayes Tower Road is usually the Pray-as-you-Go podcast. The Jesuits from a monastery in England put together a meditative podcast that runs about 12 minutes or so. They began this podcast last year for the Lenten season and then kept on going since it became pretty popular.

From somewhere along Hayes Tower road, ususally about the time I pass Lake Arrowhead, The NBC Nightly news kicks in. Face it, I’m a news junkie and they did the main thing I was looking for, and that was put their nightly news into an Audio podcast (they now have it in video as well). It helps with a news summary that I was looking for. This usually takes me into work.

I listen to the Daily Breakfast, next. This is done by a almost 40 year technogeek of a RC priest in The Netherlands (no I’m not converting to be Catholic). He mixes religious and secular and technical things to have a pretty decent podcast that runs about 40 minutes.