I am a meteorologist and a former youth leader at church…I have a lot to say on both subjects…and then some
What a great day! The morning started around 7 am when I got out of bed and prepared for the morning serivces. After getting everything together I was out the door by 750 am and motoring into Gaylord. This morning Mary and I were accompanied, by her two youngest kids Kaleb and Karlie. They are pretty great.
Kaleb, 14, is a really good skier so his Sundays until recently have been taken up with races. Although, he broke his collarbone a week or so ago, so his season is pretty much finished for this year. So he came over to his mom’s.
Karlie, 12, is a good actress and singer. Mary and I went to her play that the 7th and 8th graders did at Concord Academy (Boyne). She had the second lead part in “The Castaways.” She did a great job and once I get it all put together, will probably have some video up on Mary’s website.
The church services were pretty good with the kids sitting through both services well. (For those unfamiliar, Mary and I attend both of our churches. We have even taken the stand that we won’t refer to them as Her’s or mine, but by their names – Community and The Methodist church. We feel that they are both of ours.
We then went out to lunch at Appleby’s. It was good to finally sink my teeth into a steak. That’s a long story, and I had a Diet Pepsi with it.
On a whole, a great day. I wish that I didn’t have to go to work this afternoon.
It was a great day! Kaleb and Karlie enjoyed it too! And, yeah, I wish you didn’t have to work this afternoon either! Love ya!
Glad you guys enjoyed the day. I posted a note on our day…thought about you. Stay in touch. We may call after our nine o’clock…
The 9 am wake up should be a problem. Especially if you are talking about 9 am your time 😉
Time zone confusion reigns…I plan on calling you at 9:00 pm PST…midnight ya’lls time…I will be asleep half an hour later…hope you are home…