Lowering the man from the roof

The object lesson from Mark 2:2-5.

John Rueben @ Chosen

John Rueben dressed our model deer up with tin foil. As well as himself. Great show from him.

Chosen Gaylord 2010 Day 2

We got the Hawk Nelson gear partially done Early this morning. The acoustical worship/quiet time with Ross and Matt was great. Now, the Chosen band is on stage.

Altar Call Chosen 2010 Gaylord

This is the first night's altar call.

Chosen Gaylord is a Go!

The band is on!

Chosen Gaylord 2010!

Here we go Video on! Band in place! I can feel the Spirit in this place!

11/8/2010 Crown Financial Devo

Mary and I took the Crown Financial Course just after we were married. However, we didn’t learn and really internalize things until a couple of years later. I have, over the years, listened to their podcast and read there daily bible blurb. God has been teaching us thing through our financial hardships, I believe to teach us this very thing. We caused our financial struggles, but He has used it for a teachable moment:

The accumulation of money is a major deterrent to a humble spirit. The tendency is to desire to be served rather than to serve.

“It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave;”

(Matthew 20:26-27 NASB).

Crown Financial Ministries Daily Devotional

11/8/2010 – Day 312


So I have been learning to have a humble spirit in everything, and trying to serve to the best of my abilities. 

My Political Leanings

This is how I have been feeling and vote as of late.

My Political Views
I am a centrist moderate social libertarian
Right: 0.32, Libertarian: 2.72

Political Spectrum Quiz

Chosen Detroit is a wrap!

I have to say that the Spirit was and is moving tonight. Things were slow to start, but James's talk and Drew's talk were real winners. James talked about taking a stand with your faith and Drew talked about letting God heal you and taking a stand in your relatioships.

Next up is the home base of Gaylord at the E-Free Church next weekend!

We have about 200 miles to get home.

Chosen Comes to Detroit!

Chosen: Stand is in Detroit come join us!